Not that I have inspiration to do it when I get it done, but I would be great if I could get some for this one. Because, it's about "working to a brief." A lot of you are probably thinking "what does that mean?" That's a very good question. Because you see... I don't really know either. So the less said about that the better.
It's my mums birthday next Sunday. She'll be __ (age removed at the request of a parent). So she's asked for some moisturiser this year for a present. Let me tell you, going around Boots and Superdrug and being the only male in the isles was a little embarrassing. Usually I'm found in the hair product isle (because I have long hair) but that's another issue altogether.
Sad to say after a good hour of trying to find this specific brand of a product, I couldn't, and gave up. So instead I thought about something else she'd like. I went to HMV (and bought this amazing Crowded House album) and found myself in the DVD isle and luckily came across the last copy of "The Bridges of Madison County" (one of her favourite films). Problem solved :). Then as I queued up I remembered that she also loved the film "Out Of Africa" and being the good and thoughtful son that I am, bought both of them as a surprise for her.
I love my mum. She's done a lot to help me over the last few years and I hope she'll like them. This year is kind of a big year for me as well because I'm going to be..... 21! So it's a big birthday this year. Our birthdays are both in May and sadly mine always seems to overshadow hers. This year though my birthday is kind of allowed to be more important, but I don't think it should be.
Well, I'm quite pleased with the way things have gone for getting presents this year. And since I've done quite a good job at entertaining you and putting up some (3) honest blogs over the last few months... If anyone wants to send me a present for my last milestone into adulthood; I'm not going to say no.
Some ideas...

And if I'm really good, I'd like them in deluxe edition's.
Thanks. Bye xx
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